Our Success
What separates World Cup Soccer Camp from other camps?
Although our training environment involves a lot of intensity and hard work, it is also filled with levity and encouragement. This brings balance to our training and has our campers coming back year after year. Even the most serious training session is filled with banter, camaraderie, and fun. We celebrate a beautiful goal, tease each other when someone is nutmegged and generally have a good time. We want our campers to be extremely competitive when they play, however, we don't want them to agonize or overly soul-search about soccer. We believe a camper, and his or her parents, should not take the game too seriously. Soccer should never become his or her life, just part of it. There are a lot of things far more important than soccer - such as faith, family and friends.
The outstanding atmosphere at WCSC can be attributed to one thing: our coaches and the caring and relaxed rapport they develop with each and every camper. The coaches at WCSC are terrific, talented young men and women who possess a great sense of humor and go out of their way to ensure every camper is involved, learning and having a good time.
WCSC is a direct extension of the culture, coaching methodology and curriculum the Coach Dave has developed and used for 1000's of young athletes and coaches in 19 countries around the world.
As a teacher, I want to say how impressed I am but the organization, attitudes, and participation I saw while observing your camp this week. I am so happy to see your passion for sportsmanship and building character. My daughter had a fantastic time......this was her first ever summer camp experience. The first thing she asked when we got in the car was "can I do both weeks next year?!"
Liz, Parent, Teacher
Thank you for not only helping my daughter increase her skill set, but more importantly reinforce what I teach at home.......to be a good human. I am so grateful to her travel coach for his strong recommendation of this camp.
Have a fantastic season and see you next summer!